Health benefits of hugs – and why they feel so good physically and emotionally

[ Photo by] Here are 5 powerful reasons to give someone a squeeze today Hugging is very comforting. In addition, there is no substitution for that warm feeling of holding someone in your arms (or being held). The coronavirus pandemic evidenced it well when hugs were probably at the top of the list of things you missed the most. The isolation and lack of human connection made quarantining very difficult. We hug when we’re excited, happy, sad, or seeking comfort. Hugging makes us feel good. And it turns out that it makes us healthier too. There’s strong evidence that giving your loved ones an affectionate squeeze can actually be good for your health. So check out 5 health benefits of hugs! Hugs boost your immune system Hugs can make you feel good – and stronger too. Hugging can boost levels of natural killer cells, lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, and other immune-boosting cells. Touching and hugging can also affect our body’s immune response through hormone regulation, includi...

Self-care tips to feel fantastic


selfcare, women's health, wellness
[Photo by master1305 -]

Check out simple and practical self-care tips and improve your quality of life

Detox from technology and work

This may be the hardest one to do – but it is also essential. We usually take our work home, and we are continually checking emails, messages, and social media. Soon, we are overwhelmed – and exhausted. So, turn off your cell phone, tablet, computer, laptop, and all your gadgets for at least one hour a day and unwind with a book, a pleasant conversation, or just breath! You need this time to recharge and recalibrate.

Say no

We don’t pay to much attention to it, but we use to say “yes” too often – probably more than we should. Of course, we want to be helpful, and we don’t want to be impolite. However, if we are continually saying “yes”, unavoidably, we’ll be overwhelmed. Saying “no” can be freeing. Try canceling one regular evening event, just for this week, and create an evening routine for yourself or with your loved ones if they are impacted. 


Lack of night-time sleep is associated with a host of ills, from heart disease and obesity to depression and anxiety, to lack of focus and creativity. Without enough rest, our bodies aren’t able to heal from the stressors and daily wear and tear of our regular routines. A National Institute of Mental Health (US) study found that the risk of developing depression was nearly 40-times higher for those with sleep problems. So, sleep well!

Move your body

Exercise can help improve your mood, boost your energy, improve your sleep, and maintain a healthy weight and body image. So don’t let it out of your self-care list! Exercising doesn’t have to mean a brutal boot camp session. Aim for 30 minutes every day, and find an activity that you like.

Go out with your girlfriends 

Friendship is one of the essential things in our lives – and it needs to be cherished. There is nothing so empowering as a group of women who support and take care of each other. So spend some time with your girlfriends and express your gratitude for their friendship. 

by Bianca Neri

All news published in Oh, Healthy Day! blog can be reproduced in full, as long as they do not suffer content changes and the source is mentioned.
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